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The Mimeoplasm

The Mimeoplasm is a voltron reanimator ooze whose gelatinous insides are filled with cunning green creatures, blue spell-sliming counterspells, and resilient black necromancy.

This monster that has slithered over dinosaur graveyards and through ancient dark magic ruins for millennia will casually Traumatize itself and Glimpse the Unthinkable to absorb the power of already dead creatures within and advance its own form.

It shapeshifts as it approaches and you feel icy horror crawl up your spine as it's high-pitched voice cheerfully says "yOu aRe wHaT y0u eAt!".

In this graveyard deck, combine creatures with haste and massive power to create a Frankenstein voltron (Frankentron?!) threat from your graveyard that can knock a player out with a dinosaur-armed punch! Or reanimate big threats and win through unnaturally fast and persistent combat damage while using your graveyard as a toolbox to disrupt opponents.

Budget: $300 TCGPlayer

  • You enjoy playing big fat powerful creatures without paying their high mana costs.
  • You prefer taking advantage of all zones of play, especially the graveyard.
  • You like using your deck and graveyard as a toolbox.
  • You're looking for a resilient deck that has many lines of play.
  • You prefer an unusual commander that can also serve as a win condition.

  • Your playgroup is filled with graveyard hate or non-basic land hate like Blood Moon or Back to Basics.
  • You don’t like voltron or reanimator styles of play.
  • You hate slime?

  1. Reanimator Beatdown - Combat damage from huge, reanimated monsters.

  2. Suckerpunch - Commander damage, usually with haste and flying so it can knock an opponent out in one shot.

  1. Use one of 8 Reanimate spells to put a threat like Impervious Greatwurm and Titanoth Rex onto the battlefield in the early game. Stormtide Leviathan and Toxrill, the Corrosive are also perfect in this role as they control the board.

  2. Attack with these bruisers and draw out removal from opponents. Games can be won by reanimating a few high power creatures repeatedly and letting them rack up damage. And because of the efficiently costed reanimation spells, this line plays out like a faster midrange deck.

  3. This is also the toolbox plan. As you are choosing which monsters to put in the graveyard to reanimate for their impressive combat damage, you are also choosing them for their abilities like commander damage with The Tarrasque, card advantage with Sire of Stagnation or Damia, Sage of Stone, self-mill with Doom Whisperer, protection with Glen Elendra Archmage or Angel of Suffering, removal with Massacre Wurm, evasion with Wonder etc.

Use The Mimeoplasm in voltron style to suckerpunch an opponent out of nowhere for lethal commander damage by filling your graveyard and combining a haste creature like Gaea's Revenge, Tyrranax Rex, or The Tarrasque with a massive creature like Death's Shadow, Yargle and Multani, Impervious Greatwurm, or Titanoth Rex.

An example would be The Mimeoplasm entering as a copy of The Tarrasque which is a 10/10 dinosaur but then add the +11/+11 boost from Titanoth Rex as The Mimeoplasm's second target making it a 21/21 with haste and ward . If Wonder is in the graveyard too that's a flying Frankenstein punch to the face for lethal commander damage. These are my go-to targets for Buried Alive but the fun is in randomly building lethal combinations:

A. The Tarrasque 10/10 haste, ward +
- Death's Shadow 13/13 = 23
- Titanoth Rex 11/11 = 21
- Impervious Greatwurm 16/16 = 26
- Yargle and Multani 18/6 = 28

B. Gaea's Revenge 8/5 haste, can't be countered, can't be the target of non-green spells +
- Death's Shadow 13/13 = 21
- Impervious Greatwurm 16/16 = 24
- Yargle and Multani 18/6 = 24

C. Tyrranax Rex 8/8 haste, trample, can't be countered, ward +
- Death's Shadow 13/13 = 21
- Impervious Greatwurm 16/16 = 24
- Yargle and Multani 18/6 = 26

D. Spirit of the Night 6/5 haste, flying, trample, first strike, protection from black +
- Impervious Greatwurm 16/16 = 22
- Yargle and Multani 18/6 = 24

Pro Tip: Resist the urge to play this line as soon as you have 5 mana for The Mimeoplasm with perfect targets in the graveyard to combine for lethal damage! It's better to have a counterspell in hand, or a Glen Elendra Archmage on the battlefield so you can defend your voltron threat. So many games are won once you can get a card advantage effect online, keep the board under control, and counterspells live to cover your lethal threat for a few turns. You'll know when to pull the trigger for exceptions.

Reanimator Beatdown Toolbox
Start with the Reanimator Beatdown line because it has more sustainable damage over time and it's less risky than being focused by the remaining players after you suckerpunch one of them out of the game early on. The general plan is to make the graveyard a toolbox by filling it with gigantic monsters that we can reanimate for combat damage, commander damage, removal, and card advantage.

vs Aggro
If you are up against aggro, use removal on key threats until you can reanimate a control creature like Toxrill, the Corrosive or Massacre Wurm. Angel of Suffering, Damia, Sage of Stone, and Stormtide Leviathan are also excellent here. If they are close to taking you out, you can always go into the suckerpunch line but having big monsters on the battlefield is usually incentive enough for aggro players to attack another opponent.

vs Control
If you are playing against control, fill your graveyard with card advantage creatures to reanimate like Sire of Stagnation or Damia, Sage of Stone that will keep your threats coming through control players' disruption. You can apply early pressure with the damage from these creatures until you can protect a lethal suckerpunch from The Mimeoplasm with your own counterspells or Glen Elendra Archmage. The Tarrasque has Ward and shines as The Mimeoplasms primary target in this scenario. Gaea's Revenge is also great here for it's pseudo-hexproof. The best part of this plan is that even if a few counterspells slow down our monsters, we have a reanimation spell in the command zone.

vs Combo
Against combo players, go right into the suckerpunch line and race them with lethal commander damage before they go off. The other players should thank you for this service because though you might be considered the threat at the table afterward, it's usually only for one opponent at a time which is better than everyone losing on the spot.

The Salt Pile
Excluded cards that make the playgroup salty or feel bad:

Ooze Targets
Popular Mimeoplasm targets in other decks:

Inkwell Leviathan & Simic Sky Swallower - Love the built-in protection from shroud but I want haste as the primary feature of the commander damage plan in this deck.

I have run this deck with many tutors and though consistent and powerful it restricted playing the deck as often I would like because I had to have high powered playgroups. For that reason I've mostly limited the tutors to putting monsters in the graveyard like Entomb and Buried Alive because they are essential to the strategy.

Graveyard Hate
The counterspells in this deck aren't just for protecting our commander. They also prevent opposing graveyard and combo decks from going off before we do. So we aren't running any graveyard hate because if we can't counter them or remove their threats, we can race them with our own lethal commander damage.


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98% Casual


Revision 24 See all

(1 month ago)

-1 Aftermath Analyst main
-1 Counterspell main
+1 Plasm Capture maybe
+1 Voidslime main
Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors WR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.60
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Slug 1-1 B, Treasure
Folders Decks to Play, to play
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