Silverclad Ferocidons

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Silverclad Ferocidons

Creature — Dinosaur

Enrage — Whenever Silverclad Ferocidons is dealt damage, each opponent sacrifices a permanent.

lhetrick13 on Give your opinion on my dinosaur deck!

4 months ago

Lopende_Band - Like many of the people commenting, I also run a dinosaur deck but Gishath, Sun's Avatar is my commander so the deck (Gishath Spared No Expense!!!)runs slightly different but many of my experiences are likely still relevant.

  1. Do I run a good amount of lands (or is it too much) I personally feel like you need around 36-37 lands for dinosaurs. Your average CMC is 4.0 so that means you likely need more lands in the deck that normal plus heavy ramp. Between your lands and ramp/acceleration of the deck, I would make sure you have at least 50-55. That will make it so your deck is very consistent and you can cast those big dinos earlier than like turn 6-7. Urza's Incubator for Knight of the Stampede would be an expensive swap but very worth the investment. Some of your human mana dorks, you may consider swapping out for just mana rocks. Mana rocks are much harder to remove although I would highly recommend Selvala, Heart of the Wilds if you are going to stick with just straight mana dorks and not run a dork with some utility. If you start with her in your opening hand, your deck will be amazing! Forerunner of the Empire also is an amazing card that is a dino tutor and Enrage triggerer. Please consider him in your deck.

  2. Should I run more basic lands in favour of lands that come tapped? If possible, run as few tap lands as will speed up your deck. There is a reason why shock lands like Sacred Foundry, Temple Garden, and Stomping Grounds are expensive and it is because you can chose if they come in tapped or not AND they are fetchable. As you do have a good amount of ramping sorceries and dinosaurs that fetch basic lands, you need at least 8-10 to make sure those cards do not become worthless but tap lands are not good.

  3. Do I run too many creatures? (39 seems like a lot) Like I said, you could likely drop some creatures in exchange for more consistent game play. Unlike Gishath, Sun's Avatar where you specifically need to hit dinos to cast them for free, your commander's ability triggers only once per turn and can cast any card. So can drop the creature count for more support.

  4. Should I add any more of card draw / targeted removal / board wipe and cut a piece of ramp? You do have very few interaction cards in the deck for removal. I would recommend adding things like Trapjaw Tyrant and Silverclad Ferocidons. Both cards do work. I find that there are very few times I need to wipe the board playing dinos but I actually need to prepare for board wipes. SO I run alot of protection spells to protect my big dino boardstate rather than mess with my opponents.

  5. Do I have enough wincons in this deck? (e.g. akroma's will) Overwhelming Stampede and Akroma's Will are nice finishers for stompy decks. You might consider Aggravated Assault to get some extra combats so your big creatures can swing multiple time per turn rather than just one big push.

lhetrick13 on Ty-Ramp-A-Saurus Wrex

5 months ago

Grends27 - Thanks for your thoughts on my deck so I wanted to repay the favor! Disclaimer, looking at your decklist, I am assuming more of a budget build so I will take that into account.

So first off, I like the high creature count of the deck. Similar to my deck, I think I counted 8 creatures that are not dinos that will not hit with Gishath. Most of the non-dino creatures in my deck are there for utility/ramp purposes and seems like yours are filling similar roles. Personally, I am a little underwhelmed by Ilysian Caryatid, Llanowar Elves, and Ixalli's Lorekeeper and try to avoid anything with toughless less than 3 due to Marauding Raptor. I would encourage you to try out Kinjalli's Caller, Shaman of Forgotten Ways, and Intrepid Paleontologist as they provide a similar role but usually have something more than just adding mana/acceleration to the deck. You really need to consider Forerunner of the Empire. The tutor effect is great by itself but the ability to trigger your Enrage dinos is very powerful. Plus with the abundancy of 1/1 tokens in EDH, this is a board wipe for any creatures weaker than say 2 toughness. He is another great utility creature for dinosaur decks!

I like the dinos you included. I know I said I would suggest budget but Trapjaw Tyrant and Silverclad Ferocidons do work. Especially when you have the ability to trigger their Enrage ability multiple times per turn!

Your land count is very similar to mine, I did not count up all the ways you have to ramp up but see a lot of ways to do that via creatures, artifacts, sorceries, instants, etc. I was going to try adding Poetic Ingenuity into my deck as a way to add some additional treasure tokens in the early turns via swinging with smaller dinos to generate mana to cast Gishath. Can not suggest it 100% without trying it but I love the idea of it!

On the enchantment/artifact side, the only thing I would really suggest is adding Strionic Resonator. Similar to me, you are running enough triggered effects that this card will win you games. A good drop for it would be Descendants' Path. I ran that for a while and was just not impressed with the results. Maybe Aggravated Assault if you would like to swing multiple times...combos well with the Poetic Ingenuity!

FOr the Instants/Sorceries, my only suggestion is that with how common boardwipes and interactions are in EDH, I would suggest more single/mass protection. Flawless Maneuver is not to expensive and can be cast for free if Gishath is out. Clever Concealment is nice for those pesky mass exile spells as you can just phase out your creatures and if your deck is firing on all cylinders and you have a board presence, you can usually cast it for free as well!

Otherwise, looks pretty solid! You can tell you have a plan...cast Gishath quick...swing dinos...repeat.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Got another couple games in today:

I made some swaps prior to today's match incluuding:

Crashing Drawbridge for Lightning Greaves

Smuggler's Share for Esper Sentinel

Search for Glory for Steelshaper's Gift

I think our decks are still functionally the same but I have a lot of the tech you were heavily considering already swapped in and will be focusing on their performance in multiplayer format.

Opponents: Arvinox, the Mind Flail, Firkraag, Cunning Instigator, Ryu, World Warrior

Starting Hand?: Prismatic Vista, Windswept Heath, Myriad Landscape, Soul's Attendant, Generous Gift, Lightning Greaves, Folk Hero

Forgot to snap a picture of my starting hand but I think it was something like that. Important play of the game was Firkraag playing an early Agitator Ant. By turn 3 I had Giada equipped with a Lightning Greaves and slowly played out my hand, focusing on dropping lands and playing removal. I constantly dumped the +1/+1 counters onto Giada and since she had the greaves equipped she was basically untouchable.

After bringing Arvinox and Ryu down to the low 20's with just Giada I began dumping the counters onto a Bishop of Wings that I drew into so I could start swinging at Firkraag. Ryu also got in 2 Hadokens against Firkraag's board to draw cards. I only got 1 swing into Firkraag before they boardwiped.

I was able to recast Giada and cast an Angelic Page drawing me a card off Folk Hero. I also cast a Pyre of Heroes excited to chain it off for some spicy tech. Unfortunately Ryu was at low life and killed shortly after the boardwipe. As the other 2 players had no board they scooped to end the game so we could start the next, giving me the win.

Opponents: Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools/Armix, Filigree Thrasher, Firkraag, Cunning Instigator, Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Muldrotha, the Gravetide

Starting Hand: Plains, Mutavault, Pearl Medallion, Righteous Valkyrie, Sigarda's Vanguard, Well of Lost Dreams, Steelshaper's Gift

T1 - Plains into Steelshaper's Gift tutoring Lightning Greaves

T2 - Plains (drew) into Pearl Medallion

T3 - Mutavault into Lightning Greaves & Giada (Sworded by Isshin)

This game had some intense interactions. Isshin had a turn 1 Authority of the Consuls. Tevesh nearly played a turn 2 Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools with a Jeweled Lotus but was countered by Muldrotha. Firkraag played a Pursued Whale giving us all Pirate tokens and forcing us to attack. Isshin played into that with a Combat Calligrapher. The entire table started swinging into each other with increasingly multiplying Inkling tokens. After Isshin's Combat Calligrapher was blown up and they took a bunch of damage from their own Inklings they decided to super wipe the board with a Ruinous Ultimatum but luckily their board was pretty sparse.

I lost Pearl Medallion, Well of Lost Dreams, Sword of the Animist, Lightning Greaves and Righteous Valkyrie. This set me back really far but luckily I had been ramping every turn with Sword of the Animist and kept some strong angels in hand.

I recast Giada, and played Archangel of Tithes, Angelic Field Marshal and Lyra Dawnbringer with Mutavault giving me the extra +1/+1 counter. At this point Isshin started going off and nearly killed me with a combination of Tectonic Giant, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Aurelia, the Warleader but they tapped out for Dihada, Binder of Wills to give Krenko vigilance, lifelink and indestructible. When they tried to swing at me, they forgot about the tax for Tithes and instead knocked out Tevesh and Muldrotha. Muldrotha took out Aurelia, the Warleader as retribution.

On the final turn I was left with only Oblation and Breathkeeper Seraph in hand. I had the choice to use it on one of Isshin's creatures but they were in such a dominating position that giving them 2 cards was probably a bad idea. Instead I used it on a tapped Emergence Zone and drew into Thraben Watcher and Sigarda's Vanguard. With the combination of all the angels I brought Isshin down to 3 and Firkraag cleaned up but had nothing against my board so scooped.

Opponents: Alela, Artful Provacateur, Jared Carthalion, Gishath, Sun's Avatar

Starting Hand: Cavern of Souls, Flooded Strand, Windswept Heath, Esper Sentinel, Path to Exile, The Ozolith, Teferi's Protection

I debated even listing this game as it was over so fast. Alela burst out on turn 1 with an Island into Sol Ring into Arcane Signet. Turn 2 they played a Smothering Tithe. Turn 3 they played a Bolas's Citadel. In one of their turns they cast a Vendilion Clique bottoming my Teferi's Protection. Despite whiffing for 2 turns off the top of their library they were so ahead with ramp that they quickly overtook the game. I died by turn 5 to 35+ damage from a faerie army beefed up with Coat of Arms. The other 2 players scooped as they had no interaction with the Coat.

T1 Esper Sentinel did some amazing work here. I drew off every player at least 2-3 times so it netted me like 7-8 cards for just 1 mana.

I also attempted to attack with Battle Angels of Tyr but it was bounced to my hand by next turn.

The Ozolith ended up doing nothing this game but that's more due to having no boardstate. Together Forever wouldn't have done anything in this game either so its impact still hasn't been seen. Other players did comment that it could be a problem with a bigger board.

I did have a misplay here as I should have held up mana for removal spells which I had in my hand. My final hand was Vanquisher's Banner, Archangel of Thune, Angelic Accord, Serra Paragon, Valkyrie Harbinger, Path of Exile and Swords to Plowshares. I just didn't expect Alela to quintuple their damage in one turn.

Opponents: Phenax, God of Deception, Jared Carthalion, Gishath, Sun's Avatar

Starting Hand: Secluded Steppe, Emergence Zone, Plains, Pearl Medallion, Thorough Investigation, Angelic Field Marshal, Angel of Vitality

T1 - Secluded Steppe tapped

T2 - Plains into Pearl Medallion

T3 - Emergence Zone into Thorough Investigation and Giada, Font of Hope

I had several misplays this game as it had been a long day. The first was using my Clues too early instead of playing out my hand and refilling it later with the Clues.

Phenax became a huge threat towards mid-game as they had a Haunt of high tower on board along with their commander Phenax, God of Deception. They forced Ghisath to mill 40+ cards with 4 creatures. I had Kabira Takedown  Flip in hand but it wouldn't put a dent in the Haunt. Instead I opted for player removal and swung with everything knocking them out.

My second misplay here was not tapping Giada to cast Angelic Field Marshal which would've given all my creatures vigilance. I was so used to swinging with Giada first and then tapping her that I failed to see her as a mana dork. Since I had Archangel of Tithes out it would've prevented huge swings against me as well.

Since I was wide open Gishath took the advantage and swung at me dropping a good number of dinos on their board. However on their next turn when they tried to use Silverclad Ferocidons with Pyrohemia Jared saved the day by sacrificing Primeval Spawn into a Time Warp.

When I tried to rebuild I realized I had no clues left and no attackers to draw into answers. I also made my third misplay by wasting a Path to Exile on a random dinosaur thinking it would sacrifice Pyrohemia but then stupidly played Bishop of Wings so I could trigger my The Book of Exalted Deeds by replaying Giada.

I died on the next turn to due to lethal Gishath commander damage. If I had saved my Path I could've used it on Gishath and played out more angels for the lifegain.

Ended up winning 2/4 games and was the second biggest threat in the 2 games I lost. I think I would've had a chance in game 4 if I hadn't had so many misplays.

Lightning Greaves was amazing in the 2 games it was played. It was so great that Isshin focused Giada when it came back out. In fact I like it so much that I'm going to try and find a spot for Swiftfoot Boots so I can keep equipping without removing the protection.

Esper Sentinel was also great the 1 game I got it out. Drawing that many cards for 1 mana is just too good to pass up. If you haven't purchased Smuggler's Share yet I'd say go for Esper first.

Archangel of Tithes was SO GOOD. It saved me from lethal once and would've again a second time if I didn't misplay again. With vigilance it does double duty.

Well of Lost Dreams felt a little clunky in game 2. I want to like it, it has a high ceiling but it needs some prep work to start drawing. Either I drop it instead of a threat or I play it much later. I also need lifegain and the mana to draw from it. With the amount of work that goes into it to activate it, a board wipe usually turns it off. We have no other lifegain outside of creature based lifegain. So we would only draw with an established board presence and we're using mana to draw into threats rather than play them. It feels either like a win-more card or a hail mary to get something good. I'm actually debating its place in this deck and what may be a better card draw. Court of Grace at least replaces itself on our end step and provides either an Angel or Spirit on our upkeep. It also requires no additional maintenance to get it going.

Others at the table commented that Authority of the Consuls is a better option to the soul sisters. While I do like the tap mechanic of Authority, it doesn't trigger off my creatures. Also having it be an enchantment means that most people won't bother with it all game. Soul sisters typically get wiped with the rest of the board whereas opponents have to target Authority. I find that I don't usually hit the payoffs on opponents turn but on my own turn. However, I only hit the magic 4/5 life when Bishop of Wings or Righteous Valkyrie is out, not off a soul sister. I know that you really like the soul sisters but practically every game I've had a board wipe and the payoffs haven't been worth it.

Kabira Takedown  Flip has its uses but in terms of removal is pretty poor for the slot. After a boardwipe it's practically worthless.

Even though I STILL haven't pulled off Pyre of Heroes properly I'm once again debating Recruiter of the Guard and Weathered Wayfarer. Since they're both humans they can chain into our human sub-theme. Weathered Wayfarer can be sacrificed into Bishop of Wings to get our lifegain payoffs going. It also helps grab lands for Emeria Shepherd if we want to recur stuff from the graveyard. Recruiter of the Guard can tutor for Starnheim Aspirant, Esper Sentinel, Inspiring Overseer, Thraben Watcher and can be sacrificed into Mangara, the Diplomat.

Dazard on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph

1 year ago

not sure about Quest for Pure Flame. Since it doubles the damage it also means that your 1 damage pingers do two damage instead. So therefore ghyrson doesn't trigger anymore. So instead of 3 damage with ghyrson you only get to deal 2

also be careful about Rampaging Ferocidon since it also prevents you from gaining life.

other than that: interesting deck. i like the addition of Silverclad Ferocidons. I am brewing a ghyrson deck as well atm. main difference is, that i have a lot of instant and sorceries instead of enchantments in it. Check it out if you like ;)

Dormin53 on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

1 year ago

Those are awesome suggestions! I really like Wojek Embermage. Cosmotronic Wave I'm not sure about. The second clause with stopping blockers is good but almost all my creatures won't be swinging during combat.

You had an excellent point with Silverclad Ferocidons and Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph. That interaction occurred to me with other cards like Pyrohemia and Yamabushi's Storm or even lands like Shivan Reef.

Staff of Nin could certainly be replaced and likely not even noticed. Perhaps adding the Cyclonic Rift?

Regarding Cowardice, I like the idea of being able to protect from board wipes or just targeted removal.. but that could certainly backfire depending on how many targeted spells or abelites my opponents have..

Thank you both for the suggestions and comments! carpecanum, thefiresoflurve

carpecanum on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

1 year ago

Sorry, didn't see the "what to replace" request. Throne of the God-Pharaoh seems underwhelming here. Silverclad Ferocidons is amazing but its also the highest cmc card you have and i bet creature control isn't the problem you'll be having on turn 6-7. Also, you'll be hitting the Ferocidon for 3 points each time because your commanders ability affects you and its not optional.

If you find the deck needs more defense i'd look at Stormtide Leviathan and I LOVE Meishin, the Mind Cage in my pinger deck. Late game and suddenly nobody can cause damage but you.

Grapeshot might not be as useful as some other spells because it needs to target.

KongMing on Forest Fire

1 year ago

Mirrorweave on the sideboard for boardwipes with the Peddler/Staticaster combo? Also works pretty well with Primordial Hydra to make everything else 0/0 on resolve.

Also, is there a reason you don't have Polyraptor in here? Seems like a great addition. Ranging Raptors and Ripjaw Raptor also give you options.

I doubt it would be reliable or worth it in the mainboard, but a possible sideboard addition for longer games or hexproof/indestructible enemies would be Silverclad Ferocidons.

LB0818 on SMFWWTWB! (Mogis - Group Slug!)

2 years ago

Got my hands on a Fiendish Duo removed Silverclad Ferocidons.

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