Chromatic Sphere

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chromatic Sphere


, , Sacrifice Chromatic Sphere: Add one mana of any colour. Draw a card.

sergiodelrio on ...Take 3?

3 months ago

Here are some cards you might be interested in:

Experimental Synthesizer - this one is extra spicy, since it basically triggers twice, but suffers from the fact that it needs a sac outlet unless you wanna pay 3 extra mana.

Chromatic Star Chromatic Sphere - very similar to terrarion

Implement of Combustion

Conjurer's Bauble Mishra's Bauble

Also, since your deck is full of artifacts anyway, Galvanic Blast is a Lightning Bolt on steroids, you could put some at least in your sideboard if you ever feel like you need the interaction.

Another interesting card could be Lotus Bloom, maybe even as a 1-of to pair with Goblin Engineer.

So many possibilities - Happy brewing!

shadow63 on Do I Need Eight Loci …

1 year ago

That deck wants to be fast so I wouldn't put the bridge in. But the post lands can hurt you by not letting you get your colors. If you want to use them I'd swap the Chromatic Lantern for Chromatic Star or Chromatic Sphere but over all you can probably do better than lantern

wallisface on Urza's Power to the Max

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Eldrazi Temple is probably better served just being more Forest, because realistically Temple doesn’t particularly help with any of your casting costs, as you really need tron to do much of anything.

  • i think you have waay too many payoff cards, and not enough ways to get Tron online. You really need 7-8 copies total of Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star to help secure an early Tron (and also help colour-fix).

  • even with Tron assembled, some of your cards just seem to have too high a mana cost to ever realistically be cast - particularly Emrakul, the Aeons Torn has no chance of seeing play. I’d recommend focusing most of your threats around being 8-or-less mana, and your highest-costing cards being 10 mana. Anything above 10cmc means you need at least 5 lands in play, which is super slow/clumsy for a deck that wants to be displaying a ton of pressure quickly.

BEDECK on Storm but lions eye diamond isn't real

2 years ago

First things first: nice basics. And I like the sideboard. Good choice for card draws. I agree with the premise that LED isn't mandatory in a storm deck.

I disagree strongly with one card in the main: Lightning Bolt.

And I want to hear your reasons for the Chromatic Spheres.

I think the lands are ok but could be better: Archaeological Dig isn't the best one. I'd recommend Mana Confluence, City of Brass if your goal is to produce any kind of mana.

I think you should have some protection in the maindeck like Duress or Silence or even Swan Song.

I also want to name Peer into the Abyss just so you take a look at it and see if it's worth fitting in the sideboard for Burning Wish.

I'm a big fan of Wishclaw Talisman (activating it on the turn you1ll win).

GregariousG on Gonna Need A Bigger Playmat | *Primer*

2 years ago

To Profet93,

Thanks for stopping by! Sensei's Divining Top is a good suggestion. I think I went through a phase where most of my decks had SDT and didn’t use it properly. As for Rip Apart, it has been good enough. Rip Apart has the flexibility that I want in my removal. However, it is sorcery speed and doesn’t have a colorless cost. I’m willing to swap this with something else for testing purposes.

I don't see too much draw, removal or wipes in your deck. I take it you're going for full on synergy and relying on the table to take out threats when needed? Not to say you don't have removal or draw, just seems on the lighter side. What are your thoughts?

My philosophy on board wipes is this; I’m the aggro/mid-range player and they can boardwipe me. If I need to wipe the board as the aggro player, I’m already behind, as it is. As well, there is no efficient way to tutor a board wipe in Naya. I play board wipes in combo or control decks. However, I do have Ugin, the Spirit Dragon to acts as a board wipe if I need it.

As for draw effects, I think this deck has more than you might think. Though it doesn’t have instants that draw, this deck has plenty of tutoring and recycling. Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, Ichor Wellspring, and Soul-Guide Lantern are my cheaper draw cards. Esper Sentinel acts as a artifact-based Mystic Remora and Solemn Simulacrum ramps and draws a card. More importantly, all of these cards are recurrable. Goblin Engineer tutoring Ichor Wellspring steps up a strong draw engine. Same with Goblin Welder. Each of the above artifacts are great targets for recycling loops. Remember, I can also use Oswald Fiddlebender to tutor for a draw based artifact.

As for removal, I can see your point. I can add more instant speed removal. However, there is removal in the deck. Alibou, Ancient Witness pings any target based on the number of tapped artifacts, which is plenty most of the time. Same story with Terror of the Peaks, which pings when a creature enters the battlefield. Meteor Golem is a catch- all removal that is cheated most of the time. I find myself leaning most on Walking Ballista to mow down the field. If I were to swap Rip Apart, I think i would add Nature's Claim, Force of Vigor, Abrade, and/or Dromoka's Command (because of instant speed +1/+1). I’m looking at this more than creature removal because this deck loves to force bad blocks. This deck shuffles counters so much that it makes blocking a nightmare.

wallisface on Budget Mirrodin Besieged

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • I don’t think Altar of the Brood helps you here. You’re never likely to mill your opponent out this way, and i’m not sure its a strategy you want to be pushing.

  • the upcoming card Consider seems useful for this deck, for helping you find Mirrodin Besieged while also filling your graveyard. Mishra's Bauble is also amazing for the same reason. Likewise, Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star hugely accelerate your gameplan - you could easily end up running a bunch of these effects and creating a very fast & consistent engine.

  • I’m surprised you’re not running more copies of Salvage Titan - it seems like a great way to fill the grave and accelerate your win.

  • You need Mirrodin Besieged to have a chance of winning: you should be running the full playset.

  • I don’t think you need Etherium Sculptor. It’s not an artifact, and most your stuff is cheap. I get it helps with Mystic Forge but that feels far too narrow a use-case (Personally i’d also ditch the forge).

  • Relic of Progenitus is better than Tormod's Crypt here because it draws you a card. This ties in with many of my suggestions above, bug you really want your artifacts to be cheap, and replace themselves. That way you’ll find your win condition quickly, and have the fuel required to achieve it fast.

wallisface on Colorless Etched Tron 2021

2 years ago

PoisonLexy I had a look on MtgGoldfish to see what the other tron decks are running for lands. Green-Tron is running 17 lands, but they make up for it with over 1/3rd of their deck dedicated to digging for lands ( Ancient Stirrings , Sylvan Scrying , Chromatic Sphere , Chromatic Star , Expedition Map ). Eldrazi-Tron, on the other hand, runs 24 lands - and that archtype much more closely resembles your gameplan (they just run Expedition Map ).

The problem with the “Etched people” is that most of them do almost nothing unless you can generate 5 colors of mana, which your deck is going to really struggle to do. You can’t rely on Steel Overseer because the opponent will often kill it well before it gets a chance to tap. Also the only creature that needs the counters is Etched Oracle , so feels like its synergy is low.

It just really feels like the Etched creatures require a massive amount of setup for very little gain…

I think a strong potential avenue for you to go down would be a mono-blue tron-artifact build. That would let you still run Etched Champion , and actually make it threatening using Cranial Plating or Ghostfire Blade . You’d be able to grab whatever you needed with Whir of Invention which’d mean you could run a single copies of Blightsteel Colossus and Platinum Emperion . You’d keep the planeswalkers, but be better suited for providing a consistent creature-threat, with blue providing value cards like Sai, Master Thopterist , and Master of Etherium , while the tron lands can create large Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista . You wouldn’t need to be messing around for 5 colors, and the deck can additionally function alright if you missed assembling tron

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